12 May 2013

Lullaby (Watersong #2)

Reviewer: Kelsey
Author: Amanda Hocking
Format: Hardcover (mine is signed!)
Pages: 290
Rating: 6 out of 10

Summary (via goodreads): Harper only wanted a safe, normal life. But when her younger sister Gemma runs off with a dangerous clique of beautiful girls, Penn, Thea, and Lexi, everything changes. Vowing to get her sister back no matter what the cost, Harper must face dangers unlike any she's ever experienced. Fortunately, she has Daniel by her side, a gorgeous guy who's devoted to helping her find her sister—and who's immune to the girls' dark powers. 

While Harper searches for her sister, Gemma struggles to adjust to her new life.  Gemma's powers are growing by the day, and the longer she lives with her new "sisters," the harder it is to resist entering their magical world.  It's a realm both dark and beautiful, and where she's plagued by strange hungers and unspeakable needs.  Just as she's drifting far away from her old life,  Harper and Daniel find her...but no one can deny how much she's changed.  All she wants is to return to her family and the mortal world, but how can she do that when she's become something else entirely—and will they still love her once they learn the truth?

My Thoughts: In some ways, I think that this was better than the first novel in the series. I enjoyed the character development, especially since I already liked the characters. I especially loved that Harper worked in the library. So many good jokes came around because of it. She is also very snappy, I found. Of course, Pen and Lexi made me super angry. Daniel is the best. I want one! Thea also impressed me because Gemma really needed someone to help her get through this and Thea stepped up to the plate. She was a big help and changed what I thought about her. It's good to know that not all of the girls were crazy murders!

Content wise, I thought it was a bit darker and a bit more disgusting than the former. I really couldn't take her "feelings" seriously. I could not understand how Gemma was feeling or how she was thinking during some parts of the story. I mean, yes, I understand that she is not totally human any longer but I expected to be able to understand what was happening inside her at least a little bit. For my, however, it was a bit far fetched (Yes, sirens in themselves are a bit crazy...). 

The biggest issue I had with this story was how anti-climactic it was. I expected more of the ending. I thought that maybe the build up and how the characters interacted would lead up to a very large fight or something but nothing really came of it. There was scheming and threats but not big fight only a small fight  and I saw most of what happened coming before it did. It was kind of a waste, it could have been incredible. 

This book seems predictable enough to guess how it will end but I think that after the first couple books, you have to keep going with it. I still need to know. I want to see how much Gemma can grow and I want to read all the sassy comments that Harper has coming for us in the future. I look forward to the next book.

In Closing: I really enjoy the characters in this story and how they interact; however, I thought that it could have been so much more. I'll still be buying the next book in the series. I need to know how it's going to end.

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